
A single-page image sharing application that eschews page reloads for a truly modern browsing experience.

Implemented with a React & Redux front-end, and Rails & PostgreSQL back-end.


A dynamic audio visualization application with an otherworldly demeanor and temper.

Utilized P5.js, a JavaScript library for creating graphic and interactive experiences.

Grouple WIP

A group-chat application for like-minded individuals with like-interests.

This project features MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js.


Ruby • Rails • JavaScript • React • Redux • HTML • CSS • C • Java • Node.js • AWS • PostgreSQL • MongoDB • Git

About Me

I've always been fascinated with technology. From the moment I toyed with my first computer, I was hooked. I'm always seeking ways to challenge myself, and software is the perfect outlet for my creativity. I enjoy solving not only my problems, but others' as well. As a developer, I enjoy C, Java, Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Redux. Aside from coding, I love to attend music festivals, eat all sorts of tasty food, and play video games!